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Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Red Skin: Treat Rosacea Redness and Swelling on Face Naturally

How to Get Rid of Rosacea Red Skin

To get rid of rosacea, very first you want to know what really rosacea is. Rosacea is a skin condition in which your face skin seems to be red and it seems like a permanent blush. It may possibly also produce some pimples or bumps on your face skin. The right skin care method can help in rosacea treatment. You can try out home remedies to get rid of red skin on the face. Natural remedies for rosacea help to lessen the pain and embarrassment of constantly having a red face.

Home Remedies to Remove Rosacea Red Face

Natural treatments can reduce rosacea quickly and permanently. Here are some of the best home remedies to get rid of red skin on face.

Oatmeal Remedy to Get Rid of Red Skin
The natural anti-inflammatory properties found in oatmeal can reduce swelling that causes redness on face and can help hydrate dry skin. Make a facial mask by mixing oatmeal, egg white, and baking soda and apply on your red blotches on facial skin. Let the face mask sit for approximately 15 minutes and then rinse with cool water to remove redness from your face.

Ice cubes for Getting Rid of Redness on Face
Ice cubes also work as solution to how to remove redness from face as they have a calming effect and work not only by relieving inflammation and irritation of the skin but also by reducing the unattractive red patches. Get some ice cubes or an ice pack from your freezer. Use a smooth clean cloth to place the ice cubes in. Place the cloth or ice pack on the red marks for a minimum of ten minutes. This natural cure for rosacea will make the redness on your face less noticeable.

Red clover Remedy to Get Rid of Rosacea Red Skin
Red clover is considered as one of the safest natural ways of dealing with rosacea red blotches on skin. Drink red clover tea at least twice a day in order to cure red skin and skin rashes. It contains a compound known as coumarin that acts as natural anti-coagulants and has blood thinning effect. It also makes the arteries more flexible and improves in blood circulation. Red clover tea is rich in antioxidants, like vitamins and minerals, that detoxifies our body from the harmful effects of free radicals.
Chamomile Tea Treatment for Red Skin
Chamomile tea is another best home remedy for rosacea. To apply this remedy, make a chamomile tea by putting the herb in boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain off the herb and keep the tea in the refrigerator. After washing your face with cold water, dip a cotton cloth in the chamomile tea and apply it to the red dots on skin. This herbal tea is effective to reduce reduce redness on face overnight.

Green Tea Remedy to Remove Redness on Face
One of the best natural ways to get rid of red face is green tea .Using a green tea face mask can help diminish the appearance of thread veins or visible blood vessels on the surface of the skin. Green tea is considered an antioxidant that helps protect the facial skin from sunlight and harmful ultraviolet rays. You can also drink green tea or take green tea capsules to remove broken capillaries and reduce rosacea facial redness.

Get Rid of Redness on Face using Tea Tree oil
Tea tree oil is a powerful source of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that cures rosacea red skin naturally. Tea tree oil has to be diluted before you apply it to your facial redness. Mix 1/2 a teaspoon of tea tree oil with 9 teaspoons of aloe vera gel and mix well. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply a thin layer to your reddened skin. After it dries, you can apply a light moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. This home remedy will help you reduce skin's irritation and get rid of rosacea symptoms.

Rosacea Treatment using Apple Cider Vinegar
Natural apple cider vinegar regulates the pH of your skin. Dilute ACV with two parts water, and spread the concoction over your face with a cotton ball to get rid of red spots on skin. You can also add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of warm water and drink it. It contains anti-inflammatory property for curing rosacea symptoms.

Get Rid of Red Face using Olive Oil
Olive oil is another best remedy to clear up dry skin and remove rosacea facial redness. Rub a small amount olive oil onto dry skin on face to clear up flakiness and cracks. It nourishes the dry skin and restores it to a better condition and gives it a more youthful appearance. It works with the body's natural chemicals to contain moisture.

Lemon Juice Remedy to Get Rid of Red Skin
Use lemon juice to get rid of red sots on skin. Mix a teaspoon of avocado oil with a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply it to your red cheeks and face. Allow to dry for approximately 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask help in getting rid of dead skin and dirt accumulated on the facial skin.

Honey Mask for Removing Red Blotches on Skin
For natural rosacea treatment, prepare a mask by mixing honey with 1 egg yolk and 2 teaspoons of milk powder. Apply this paste on the red skin and keep it as it is until it dries. And then wash it off using cold water. Honey can help reduce swelling because it contains anti-inflammatory properties. Milk helps to calm aggravated skin while also acting as a gentle exfoliant with its lactic acid to remove dead skin cells associated with inflammation. Egg yolks have amazing benefits for beautiful skin.

Cucumber Remedy to Reduce Red Skin
Apply the pulp of cucumber on your face. Leave them on your face and cheeks for at least 20 minutes, and repeat this red skin treatment every day. The cooling sensation provided by cucumber helps to reduce irritation and inflammation that will help reduce the rosacea redness on skin. The high water content of this vegetable, and the vitamins it contains, make it a wonderful ingredient to get beautiful, calm skin, free of rosacea red spots, and bumps, and facial swelling.

Aloe Vera for Removing Rosacea Red Face
Aloe has a cooling effect on the skin that can help stop facial redness. Rub aloe vera pulp on your face and let it be for 20 minutes. Finally rinse off with fresh water and face wash. This topical treatment for rosacea acne improves the skin moisture levels and reduces swelling. Apply it regularly to reduce redness and remove visible blood vessels on face.

Coconut Oil for Rosacea Treatment
Coconut oil soothes and reduces redness, itching, and is best for treating rosacea symptoms. Directly applying coconut oil enhances the healing process by reducing swelling and redness in the affected areas. Coconut oil nourishes and moisturizes red skin with its fatty acids.

Milk Remedy for Treating Redness on Skin
Another easy natural way to soothe skin and reduce redness on face is to apply a washcloth soaked in cold milk .The vitamins, fats and proteins found in milk can calm rosacea red skin and speed up healing time.

Get Rid of Tiny Red Spots using Papaya
Papaya mask is another effective remedy to get rid of redness on face. Make a nice smooth paste of papaya and apply this paste in your red skin on face and leave it for 15 – 20 minutes. Enzymes and vitamins in papaya help to reduce skin irritation and redness on face.

Fullers Earth Treatment for Rosacea Red Face
Take 1 teaspoon of fuller’s earth and Mix it with a few drops of rosewater to make a paste. Apply the paste over your face and leave it for about 20 minutes then wash with warm water. Alternatively, mix 1 tablespoon of fuller’s earth with 1 teaspoon of extracted potato juice to make a thick paste and apply. This recipe will heal the red skin and reduce rosacea.

These rosacea home remedies are the excellent way to reduce the swelling and get rid of redness on face naturally.

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