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How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

A lot of individuals usually ask how to get rid of hemorrhoids. In line with this, they also want to find out the most excellent medication for it. This is due to the fact that hemorrhoids can be very distressing due to the symptoms associated to it. If you are one of the individuals experiencing hemorrhoids, you will certainly be concerned on how to get rid of the problem.

As you already know, hemorrhoids can be the result of a lot of factors. These factors involve the intensified force in the rectal region like pressure during bowel elimination because of constipation. Sometimes it can be due to constipation itself, pregnancy and childbirth, serious incidence of coughing, lifting heavy objects, and prolonged sitting especially on the toilet bowl.

Tips on Getting Rid of Hemorrhoids – It All Starts with Prevention

Prevention of hemorrhoids is important particularly for the treatment of serious types of this problem. The best thing you can do to prevent hemorrhoids is to stay away from putting pressure on the rectal region. You should also avoid being constipated by incorporating fiber in your daily regimen. Fiber can gently help remove bowel. Try softening your stool by taking colace or senokot and make sure that you ingest a lot of liquid throughout the day.

Suggestions on How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

In cases wherein hemorrhoids is still at its first stage, intensified fiber and some forms of stool softeners can assist in the treatment of the condition. But other than that, here are other things you may consider to help get rid of the hemorrhoids problem.

To alleviate the distressing symptoms of hemorrhoids, you can try using hydrocortisone creams to ease the distention and irritation. This is normally employed for the treatment of external hemorrhoids which can be acquired without prescription.

In case of internal hemorrhoids, hydrocortisone suppositories are recommended and they are also obtainable over-the-counter.
In case these medications cannot eliminate hemorrhoids, you can ask your doctor to give you advice on how to eradicate it. There are certain types of medicines that can be acquired with prescription which can help get rid of both external and internal hemorrhoids.

Surgical procedure is another way to get rid of hemorrhoids, but you can experience discomfort after the procedure. Aside from that, there is a possibility that the sutures can be destroyed if you remove bowel right after the process. Infectivity is also a problem after surgery. The kind of hemorrhoids that needs to be removed through surgery is called thrombosed hemorrhoids.

The other kind of surgery that can be performed to get rid of hemorrhoids is a procedure that involves clipping the veins in the anal and rectum area into place. This type of surgery is commonly employed for prolapsed hemorrhoids. In this form of surgery, recuperation can be excruciating and infectivity cannot also be discounted. In exceptional situations, the internal anal sphincter can also be injured.

The use of laser surgery is also another alternative treatment for hemorrhoids, but this type of process requires numerous therapies.

If you do not want to undergo surgical treatment to get rid of hemorrhoids, try using natural medication for the condition, which is considered less risky.

Whatever you choose when it comes to answering the question “how to get rid of hemorrhoids”, do not discount the fact that all of these medical processes can pose a number of considerable dangers. You should always consider your health then when bearing all these options in mind. There is a number of reliefs for hemorrhoids out there and these can at least get rid of the discomfort brought about by the condition.

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