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7 Herbal Remedies for Treating Hemorrhoids

Herbal Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in and around the anus and lower rectum. Herbal remedies for hemorrhoids have been offered by some experts to persons afflicted with the plight. This is because herbs are said to be natural and organic. But in one way or the other, there are some herbs that may not be advised to everybody. You have to get to know these herbs better to see if these hemorrhoid herbal remedies will be of help to your problem.

Treatment for Hemorrhoids – A Background

You already know that there are two kinds of hemorrhoids and both of them include symptoms that can be also discomforting and stressful. In view of this, you can treat the symptoms associated to hemorrhoids by a lot of medications that are readily available over-the-counter. One of the most popular remedies given to hemorrhoids is herbal remedies though. These herbal remedies are considered efficient and safe in alleviating the symptoms you experience due to the condition.

Popular Herbal Remedies for Treating Hemorrhoids

There are various herbs for hemorrhoids and there are those proven to be effective since time in memoriam. Take a look at the following seven herbs to check on what is best for your hemorrhoid problem.

Aloe Vera for Treating Hemorrhoids

This herb was already used centuries ago. It is believed that this herb can heal a lot of health disorders because of the agents found in it like anti-inflammatory, laxative, and immune stimulant effects. Conventionally, Aloe Vera is considered helpful in regulating blood glucose, curing injuries like burns and wounds, cancer, constipation, Crohn’s ailment, and a lot more including calming hemorrhoids.
You can also obtain important vitamins and minerals from Aloe Vera like amino acids, calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E. The gel of the plant is used topically, while its juice is ingested internally. However, if you are pregnant or you have diarrhea, do not use Aloe Vera internally.

Butcher’s broom Herb for Hemorrhoid Cure

This kind of herb is recognized due to its purification assets and the capacity to lessen urine retention. Conventionally, it was used for curing bladder infectivity, carpal tunnel syndrome, hemorrhoids, inflamed ankles as well as varicose veins. The above ground portions and roots of this herb are utilized medicinally in form of tablets, capsules and creams. If you are going to use this herb make sure not to mix it together with MAO inhibitors.

Calendula officinalis Hemorrhoid Treatment

This is considered as a gorgeous flowering herb that contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory as well as analgesic properties. It is helpful in treating allergies, some types of bowel disorders, conjunctivitis and gastritis. The cream of calendula officinalis can help invigorate the development of collagen that is why it is being supplemented to a lot of cosmetics.

Calendula when used externally can alleviate soreness and inflammation cause by sunburn, diaper rash, insect bites as well as dehydrated skin. The flowers of this herb can be eaten as a supplement to salads and cakes.

Dandelion for Treating Hemorrhoids

The use of dandelion can be an effective way to be able to cure hemorrhoids. The leaves of this plant is considered as a very strong diuretic, while the roots are useful as blood cleansers which eliminate toxins in the liver and kidneys. Since this plant is loaded with vitamins and iron, it is helpful in curing anemia.

Horesetail for Hemorrhoid Treatment

In the early middle ages the bunch of this plant were utilized as polishing pads to scrub cookware and utensils. This herb contains elevated silicon, which is useful in promoting and developing the flexibility of the skeletal system. This herb is utilized medicinally in forms of tea or tincture. Pregnant and nursing women as well as individuals with prostate cancer cardiac ailment or hypertension, and children are not advised to use this herb to treat hemorrhoids.

Plantango afra for Treating Hemorrhoids

Psyllium seeds originate from this plant. It is highly valued in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is the major component of majority of bulk forming laxatives and had already been in circulation centuries ago for the treatment of illnesses such as diarrhea, hemorrhoids, constipation as well as urinary troubles.

St. John’s Wort Herb for Treating Hemorrhoids

This herb had been considered as a tremendous help in alleviating coughs as well as chest infectivity due to its expectorant function. Aside from that, it can also be used in treating a lot of illnesses, hemorrhoid included.

These seven herbal remedies for hemorrhoids can be one of your choices when you have this problem. As a reminder, make sure you are not allergic to such components before you even make use of it. You should consult with your doctor first in case you have allergies to the said plants. He can provide you with other options aside from these herbs. Medications and surgical procedures may also be necessary depending on the severity of your hemorrhoids.

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