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How to Get Rid of Freckles Naturally: Home Remedies for Removing Freckles

Get Rid of freckles Fast

Freckles are unevenly distributed melanin pigmentation occurring on the skin. They generally appear randomly on the face and upper shoulders— the most common sun-exposed areas. People intend to learn techniques how to get rid of freckles naturally, though, there are couple of medical approaches to remove freckles permanently. If you have brown freckles, then you can easily get rid of freckles by trying several natural treatments at home.

Home Remedies for Removing Freckles

Here are some natural remedies that will help you remove freckles at home.

Regular use of fruit mask made with strawberries will help lighten freckles, as they have citric acid content. Mash strawberries in a bowl and rub the mixture onto your face. Leave the paste on your face until it is thoroughly dry, and then rinse with cold water.

Applying buttermilk is another best natural treatment for freckle removal. Mix a tablespoonful of oatmeal with enough buttermilk to make a smooth paste and apply it on your brown freckles on face. Allow the buttermilk to dry completely and later on wash it off with lukewarm water. It will remove freckles fast.

Sour Milk
To get rid of freckles, take some sour milk and directly apply on the affected area. Lactic acid in the milk helps to gently slough off the upper layer of your skin without irritating or drying your skin.

Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a highly effective ingredient that can be used to treat freckles. Apply lemon juice with your fingers on the affected area to get rid of freckles. Lemon juice bleaches the dark spots.

Honey is loaded with natural skin bleaching properties. It is very effective in the treatment of red and brown freckles. Prepare an herbal mask at home by mixing wheat germ with warmed honey. Apply this mask and enable it to sit for about 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water and then rinse with cold water.

Papaya Juice
Apply papaya juice on the freckles and leave it for 10 minutes and then rinse. Papain is a type of enzyme present in papaya that can lighten freckle spots.

Horseradish remedy is effective in getting rid of freckles. Boil a cup of milk and add a tablespoon of powdered horseradish root. Strain well and allow the mixture to cool. Apply the paste to your entire face, leave for a few minutes and then rinse your face with water.

To get rid of freckles at home, apply cucumber on your face daily. You can apply cucumber juice along with a few drops of lemon juice to your freckles. Apply it before going to bed at night for better results.

Parsley Juice
Parsley juice has natural bleaching agents that can help to remove freckles. In order to make parsley juice, take finely chopped parsley and boil it in water. Strain the juice and allow it to cool. Add some lemon juice into it and apply on your face. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and wipe it off with a damp cloth.

Yellow Mustard Seeds
This is a very easy to do home remedy to remove freckles. Grind some yellow mustard seeds and mix it with milk to make a facial mask. The mask should be applied to face and kept overnight. Wash your face the next morning to reduce freckles.

Oatmeal remedy is best for reducing freckle spots on face. Mix 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with enough buttermilk to make a smooth consistency paste. Use this as a face pack once a week for the treatment of freckles on face.

Lentils is another effective home remedy that helps get rid of freckles on your skin. Soak 1 tablespoon of lentils in water for a few hours. Drain and grind the lentils in milk. Applying this paste on the skin is a highly beneficial natural home remedy for freckles, especially for individuals with oily skin.

Nutmeg paste is also beneficial in the treatment of blemishes and patches on face. Grind nutmeg and mix it with milk. Apply this paste on the face. Application of this removes the dark freckles of the face.

Saffron is one of the common home remedies for freckle removal. Apply a mixture of saffron and honey on your brown freckles to fade away those freckle spots.

Vitamin C
People who have freckles should increase the intake of vitamin C. If there is sufficient amount of vitamin C in the body, skin becomes less sensitive to sun and therefore have less melanin deposition. Foods rich in vitamin C are oranges, grapes, apples, etc.

Eggplant can be used to remove freckles. Slice an eggplant into thick pieces, rub gently the eggplant slices on freckles and leave them on the skin for 15 minutes before rinse. You can use this remedy daily. After a week, you will notice a big improvement of your skin with lighter freckled spots on skin.

Vitamin E Oil
Vitamin E oil is effective for getting rid of freckles and brown spots on skin. It is suitable not only for freckles but also for any other unwanted marks. It contains elements that are important for your everyday skin care and will become your favorite health and beauty secret.

Red Onion
Onions are best for removing freckles and age spots. Rub red onion slices on your freckles. Repeat 2 to 3 times daily for 10 days. You may also apply a combination of onion juice and diluted vinegar to get rid of freckles fast.

Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds for freckles remedy, for this you will need equal amounts of sesame seeds and turmeric. Mix both the ingredients together and grind them properly by adding a little water to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on the affected skin area. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.

Get rid of freckles naturally with these freckle removal home remedies. Be sure to use these natural freckle removal treatment everyday and you will see the freckles fading day by day, and lightened considerably after 2 weeks.

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